GAP Library of articles – 2017


Fossati, Borroni et al (2017) – Thinking about Assessment: Further Evidence of the Validity of the Movie for the Assessment of Social Cognition as a Measure of Mentalistic Abilities


Goodman et al (2017) – Suicide attempts and self-injurious behaviours in adolescent and adult patients with borderline personality disorder


Hatkevich et al (2017) – Dating Violence Victimization, Nonsuicidal Self-Injury, and the Moderating Effect of Borderline Personality Disorder Features in Adolescent inpatients


Ibraheim et al (2017) – The specificity of emotion dysregulation in adolescents with borderline personality disorder: comparison with psychiatric and healthy controls



Kaess & Whittle et al (2017) – The Interaction of Childhood Maltreatment, Sex, and Borderline Personality Features in the Prediction of the Cortisol Awakening Response in adolescents


Kaess et al (2017) – Health related quality of life and psychopathological distress in risk taking and self-harming adolescents with full-syndrome, subthreshold and without borderline personality disorder: rethinking the clinical cut-off?


Kiel, E. J., Viana, A. G., Tull, M. T., & Gratz, K. L. (2017) – Emotion socialization strategies of mothers with borderline personality disorder symptoms: The role of maternal emotion regulation and interactions with infant temperament.


Kramer et al (2017) – Psychosocial functioning in adolescents with and without borderline personality disorder


Kurdziel, G., Kors, S., & Macfie, J (2017) – Effect of maternal borderline personality disorder on adolescents’ experience of maltreatment and adolescent borderline features.


Lereya et al (2017) – Sleep Problems in Childhood and Borderline Personality Disorder Symptoms in Early Adolescence.


Mahan, R. M., Kors, S. B., Simmons, M. L., & Macfie, J. (2017) – Maternal psychological control, maternal borderline personality disorder, and adolescent borderline features.


Morosan et al (2017) – Emotion Recognition and Perspective Taking: A Comparison between Typical and Incarcerated Male Adolescents


Pearce et al (2017) – Evaluation of a psychoeducational group intervention for family and friends of youth with borderline personality disorder


Reichl et al (2017) – Mind The Fathers: Associations Of Parental Childhood Adversities With Borderline Personality Disorder Pathology In Female Adolescents.


Scalzo, F., Hulbert, C. A., Betts, J. K., Cotton, S. M., & Chanen, A. M. (2017) – Predictors of substance use in youth with borderline personality disorder.


Schmeck et al (2017) – Early detection and intervention for borderline personality disorder in adolescence.


Sharp, C., & Wall, K. (2017) Current opinion in psychology volume 21 – Personality pathology grows up: Adolescence as a sensitive period.


Somma et al (2017) – Borderline personality disorder features, emotion dysregulation and non-suicidal self-injury: Preliminary findings in a sample of community-dwelling Italian adolescents.



Somma, Borroni et al (2017) – Reliability, Factor Structure, And Associations With Measures Of Problem Relationship And Behavior Of The Personality Inventory For Dsm-5 In A Sample Of Italian Community-Dwelling Adolescents.


Strandholm et al (2017) – Stability and Change in Personality Disorder Symptoms in 1-Year Follow-up of Depressed Adolescent Outpatients



Tackett et al (2017) – Measuring child personality when child personality was not measured: Application of a thin-slice approach.


Temes, C. M., Magni, L. R., Fitzmaurice, G. M., Aguirre, B. A., Goodman, M., Zanarini, M. C. (2017) – Prevalence and severity of childhood adversity in adolescents with BPD, psychiatrically healthy adolescents, and adults with BPD


Tschan et al (2017) – Temperament and character traits in female adolescents with nonsuicidal self-injury disorder with and without comorbid borderline personality disorder.


Vanwoerden, S., Kalpakci, A., & Sharp, C. (2017) – The relations between inadequate parent-child boundaries and borderline personality disorder in adolescence.


Wall et al (2017) – Parent–adolescent concordance on the Revised Diagnostic Interview for Borderlines (DIB‐R) and the Childhood Interview for Borderline Personality Disorder (CI‐BPD)


Westbrook, John, Berenbaum, Howard (2017) – Emotional Awareness Moderates the Relationship Between Childhood Abuse and Borderline Personality Disorder Symptom Factors.


Winsper et al (2017) – Aetiological pathways to Borderline Personality Disorder symptoms in early adolescence: childhood dysregulated behaviour, maladaptive parenting and bully victimisation


Zanarini et al (2017) – Prevalence rates of borderline symptoms reported by adolescent inpatients with BPD, psychiatrically healthy adolescents and adult inpatients with BPD


Andrewes et al (2017) – An ecological momentary assessment investigation of complex and conflicting emotions in youth with borderline personality disorder.


Andrewes, H. E., Hulbert, C., Cotton, S. M., Betts, J., & Chanen, A. M. (2017) – Ecological momentary assessment of nonsuicidal self-injury in youth with borderline personality disorder.


Badoud et al (2017) – Vers un Modele du DEVELOPPEMENT des dom’ dimensions de la mentalisation a l’adolescence


Biberdzic, M., Ensink, K., Normandin, L., & Clarkin, J.F. (2017) – Psychometric Properties of the Inventory of Personality Organization for Adolescents


Bjureberg, J., Sahlin, H., Hellner, C., Hedman-Lagerlöf, E., Gratz, K. L., Bjärehed, J., Jokinen, J., Tull, M. T., & Ljótsson, B. (2017) – Emotion regulation individual therapy for adolescents with nonsuicidal self-injury disorder: A feasibility study.


Bo & Kongerslev (2017) – Self-reported patterns of impairments in mentalization, attachment, and psychopathology among clinically referred adolescents with and without borderline personality pathology.


Bo et al (2017)– Hypermentalizing, attachment and epistemic trust in adolescent BPD: Clinical illustrations


Borkum et al (2017) – Prevalence rates of childhood protective factors in adolescents with BPD, psychiatrically healthy adolescents and adults with BPD.


Bornovalova et al (2017) – Genetic and environmental influences on the codevelopment among borderline personality disorder traits, major depression symptoms, and substance use disorder symptoms from adolescence to young adulthood.


Brinkley et al (2017) – Sending and receiving text messages with sexual content: Relations with early sexual activity and borderline personality features in late adolescence.


Brown RC, Plener PL, Groen G, Neff D, Bonenberger M, Abler B. (2017) – Differential neural processing of social exclusion and inclusion in adolescents with non-suicidal self-injury and young adults with borderline personality disorder.


Chanen, Sharp et al (2017) – prevention and early intervention for borderline personality disorder: a novel public health priority


Chanen A. (2017) – Borderline personality disorder is not a variant of normal adolescent development.


Conway et al (2017) – Seven-Year Course of Borderline Personality Disorder Features: Borderline Pathology Is as Unstable as Depression During Adolescence


Conway, C. C., Tackett, J. L., & Skodol, A. E.  (2017) – Are Personality Disorders Assessed in Young People?


De Clercq et al (2017) – Understanding adolescent personality pathology from growth trajectories of childhood oddity


Debast et al (2017) – Developmentally Sensitive Markers of Personality Functioning in Adolescents: Age-Specific and Age-Neutral Expressions


Debbane et al (2017) – Brain activity underlying negative self- and other-perception in adolescents: The role of attachment-derived self-representations


Fossati et al (2017) – The Personality Inventory for DSM-5 Brief Form: Evidence for Reliability and Construct Validity in a Sample of Community-Dwellin


Feenstra DJ, Luyten P, Bales DL. (2017)  – Mentalization-based treatment for borderline personalitydisorder in adults and adolescents: For whom, when, and how?


Flynn, D., Kells, M., Joyce, M., Corcoran, P., Herley, S., Suarez, C., Cotter, P., Hurley, J., Weihrauch, M. and Groeger, J. (2017) – Family Connections versus optimised treatment-as-usual for family members of individuals with borderline personality disorder: non-randomised controlled study.


Fossati, A., Somma, A., Borroni, S., Markon, K. E., & Krueger, R. F. (2017) – The personality inventory for DSM-5 brief form evidence for reliability and construct validity in a sample of community-dwelling Italian adolescents.

GAP Library of articles – 2018


Barazandeh, H., Kissane, D. W., Saeedi, N., & Gordon, M.  (2018) – Schema modes and dissociation in borderline personality disorder/traits in adolescents or young adults.


Bennett, C., Melvin, G., Quek, J., Saeedi, N., Gordon, M., & Newman, L. (2018) – Perceived Invalidation in Adolescent Borderline Personality Disorder: An Investigation of Parallel Reports of Caregiver Responses to Negative Emotions


Biberdzic, M., Ensink, K., Normandin, L., & Clarkin, J.F. (2018) – Empirical Typology of Adolescent Personality Organization


Bornovalova, M. A., Verhulst, B., Webber, T., McGue, M., Iacono, W. G., & Hicks, B. M. (2018) – Genetic and environmental influences on the codevelopment among borderline personality disorder traits, major depression symptoms, and substance use disorder symptoms from adolescence to young adulthood.


Cooper, E. B., Venta, A., & Sharp, C. (2018) – The role of maternal care in borderline personality disorder and dependent life stress.


De Caluwé, E., Verbeke, L., van Aken, M., van der Heijden, P., & De Clercq, B. (2018) – The DSM-5 Trait Measure in a Psychiatric Sample of Late Adolescents and Emerging Adults: Structure, Reliability and Validity.


Flynn, D., Kells, M., Joyce, M., Corcoran, P., Gillespie, C., Suarez, C., Swales, M. & Arensman, E. (2018) – Innovations in Practice: Dialectical behaviour therapy for adolescents: multisite implementation and evaluation of a 16‐week programme in a public community mental health setting


Flynn, D., Kells, M., Joyce, M., Suarez, C., & Gillespie, C. (2018) – Correction to: Dialectical behaviour therapy for treating adults and adolescents with emotional and behavioural dysregulation: study protocol of a coordinated implementation in a publicly funded health service.


Flynn, D., Kells, M., Joyce, M., Suarez, C., & Gillespie, C.  (2018) – Dialectical behaviour therapy for treating adults and adolescents with emotional and behavioural dysregulation: study protocol of a coordinated implementation in a publicly funded health service.


Goth, K., Birkhölzer, M. & Schmeck, K. (2018) Journal of Personality Assessment Volume 100 – Assessment of Personality Functioning in Adolescents with the LoPF-Q 12-18 Self-Report Questionnaire


Gratz, K. L., Bentley, J. P., & Young, J. (2018) – Impact of borderline personality pathology on treatment outcomes among adolescents in residential treatment: The role of emotion regulation.



Hurtado-Santiago, S., Guzmán-Parra, J., Bersabé, R. M., & Mayoral, F.  (2018) – Effectiveness of iconic therapy for the reduction of borderline personality disorder symptoms among suicidal youth: Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial.


Kalpakci, A., Ha, C., & Sharp, C. (2018) – Differential relations of executive functioning to borderline personality disorder presentations in adolescents.


Koenig, J., Brunner, R., Parzer, P., Resch, F., & Kaess, M. (2018) – The Physiological Orienting Response in Female Adolescents with Borderline Personality Disorder


Krauch, M., Ueltzhöffer, K., Brunner, R., Kaess, M., Hensel, S., Herpertz, S. C., & Bertsch, K.  (2018) – Heightened Salience of Anger and Aggression in Female Adolescents With Borderline Personality Disorder—A Script-Based fMRI Study.


Milijkovitch, R., Deborde, A. S., Bernier, A., Corcos, M., Speranza, M., Pham-Scottez, A. (2018) – Borderline Personality Disorder in Adolescence as a Generalization of Disorganized Attachment


Musser, N., Zalewski, M., Stepp, S., & Lewis, J. (2018) – A systematic review of negative parenting practices predicting borderline personality disorder: Are we measuring biosocial theory’s ‘invalidating environment’?


Quek, J., Bennett, C., Melvin, G., Saeedi, N., Gordon, M., & Newman, L. (2018) – An Investigation of the Mentalization-based Model of Borderline Pathology in Adolescents


Quek, J., Melvin, G. A., Bennett, C., Gordon, M. S., Saeedi, N., & Newman, L. K. (2018) – Mentalization in Adolescents With Borderline Personality Disorder: A Comparison With Healthy Controls.


Rathus, JH, Miller, AL, & Bonavitacola, L. (2018) – DBT with Adolescents.


Santangelo, P. S. Koenig, J. Kockler, T. D. Eid, M. Holtmann, J. Koudela‐Hamila, S. Parzer, P. Resch, F. Bohus, M. Kaess, M. Ebner‐Priemer, U. W. (2018) – Affective instability across the lifespan in borderline personality disorder – a cross‐sectional e‐diary study.


Sharp, C., & Wall, K. (2018) Current opinion in psychology Volume 21 – Personality pathology grows up: Adolescence as a sensitive period.


Sharp, C., Steinberg, L., Michonski, J., Kalpakci, A., Fowler, C., Frueh, B. C., & Fonagy, P. (2018) – DSM Borderline Criterion Function Across Age-Groups: A Cross-Sectional Mixed-Method Study


Sharp, C., Vanwoerden, S., & Wall, K. (2018) Psychiatric Clinics Volume 41 – Adolescence as a Sensitive Period for the Development of Personality Disorder


Stokes, K., Sapoff, M., Pogge, D., Zaccario, M., & Barbot, B. (2018) – A Dimensional Understanding of Borderline Personality Features in Adolescence: The Relationship between MMPI-A PSY-5 Scales and PAI-A Borderline Features


Thompson KN, Cavelti M, Chanen AM. (2018) – Psychotic symptoms in adolescents with borderline personality disorder features.


Trupe, Rebecca D.Macfie, Jenny. Skadberg, Rebecca M. Kurdziel, Gretchen (2018) – Patterns of emotional availability between mothers and young children: Associations with risk factors for borderline personality disorder.


Venta, A., Magyar, M., Hossein, S., & Sharp, C. (2018) – The psychometric properties of the Personality Assessment Inventory–Adolescent’s Borderline Features Scale across two high-risk samples.


Wall, K., Ahmed, Y., & Sharp, C. (2018) Journal of abnormal child psychology – Parent-adolescent concordance in borderline pathology and why it matters