Audio presentations

As part of its mission, NEABPD maintains an extensive library of audio and video resources at no charge. By sharing reliable, current information from leading research professionals, we hope to provide consumers, family members and clinicians, as well as the general public, with tools to enhance the education, treatment, and quality of life of those affected by this disorder. Please support NEABPD with your tax-deductible donation.


Empirically Supported Therapies for Borderline Personality Disorder: Common and Distinguishing Aspects of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and Mentalization Based Therapy (MBT)

New Haven, CT   APRIL 2011

Welcome And Opening Remarks

by Perry D. Hoffman, PhD


Is The Goal Integration?

by Lois Choi-Kain,MD


Overview Of The BPD Diagnosis And Challenges

by Seth Axelrod, PhD


Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

by Alan Fruzzetti, PhD


Mentalization Based Therapy (MBT)

by Anthony Bateman, MA, FRCPsych


Clinical Demonstrations Of MBT And DBT

by Dr. Bateman and Dr. Fruzzetti


Dialectical Behavior Therapy: The State of the Art and Science, Seattle, WA   APRIL 2011

Family Matters

by Family Matters Marie-Paule DeValdivia, Alan Fruzzetti, PhD


Residential DBT Program For Patients With BPD And PTSD

by Professor Martin Bohus, MD


Being Mindful Of Emotion To Validate Self And Others

by Kelly Koerner, PhD


Processes Of Change In DBT: What Happens In And Out Of The Session

by E. Fruzzetti, PhD


Dialectical Behavior Therapy For Substance Abusers: A Brief Retrospective

by Linda A. Dimeff, PhD


Dialectical Behavior Therapy Treatment Fidelity: Clinical And Research Implications

by Kathryn E. Korslund, PhD, ABPP


Treating PTSD In Suicidal And Self-Injuring Clients With BPD

by Melanie Harned, PhD


DBT-ACES: Achieving Recovery From Psychiatric Disability

by Kate Comtois, PhD, MPH


Running An Empirically Supported Treatment Center: Administration Training, Supervision, And Fidelity

by Anthony P. Dubose, PsyD


Panel Discussion

by Moderator: Alan E. Fruzzetti, PhD